Vice President Biden is a named subject involved in his Sons Hunter's Ongoing investigation being done by the FBI.?

2020-11-15 7:17 am
Meaning Joe is not eligible to be granted a Clearance for
Classified Information. So why would anyone want to waste
their time giving Classified briefings to someone who is not
eligible to receive them.

50. US Code 3341 is the controlling directive when one is applying for a clearance.


Stephen your wrong. All individuals are required to be vetted for  TS material. 

回答 (6)

2020-11-15 9:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
First, because the law requires it.  Second, Presidents and Vice Presidents don't need a clearance to receive classified information.
2020-11-15 7:24 am
As the President Elect, Biden does not need a security clearance. 
The President can be a criminal, and he still get's 100% access. 
They give it to Trump, don't they?
2020-11-15 7:25 am
You have no idea what you are talking about.
2020-11-15 7:22 am
Did the FBI also investigate Obama's birth certificate 🙄
2020-11-15 7:22 am
How much Brawndo do you consume on daily basis?
2020-11-15 9:08 am
Funny, that did not stop Chump.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:41:38
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