Should the Union allow Trump's 75 million Rebels reinstate Confederate States of America since The South's stuck in the 19th century Forever?

2020-11-15 4:40 am

The Union started out as socialist multiculturalism diversity entitlement pro-choice Republicans and today's Republicans still are.


You mean the 75 million Trumpers living in billion dollar debt ridden Red States feeding off of the largest world economy Blue States?

回答 (4)

2020-11-15 4:56 am
No way should that happen.
2020-11-15 4:41 am
Trump is moving his cult to Guyana, no Kool-Aid allowed 
2020-11-15 4:41 am
Actually the confederates were America hating democrats.
2020-11-15 4:45 am
Imagine if 75 million people claimed exempt on their taxes to stop the deepstate and left from being in charge of this country 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:04:34
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