What happens if Trump decides to stay in the office after January 20th ?

2020-11-14 1:24 pm

回答 (9)

2020-11-14 1:32 pm
His orders and signature will be meaningless
2020-11-14 1:27 pm
He'll be escorted out of the White House in handcuffs.
2020-11-14 1:37 pm
It won't be good for him. 
This baby-like behavior needs to stop, for the good of everyone.
2020-11-14 1:26 pm
It will be good because it means that he won.
2020-11-14 1:42 pm
It's not up to HIM. CHUMP got FIRED and HE indeed will "leave" the White House on or before 1/20/2021. TRUST ME,
2020-11-16 9:47 am
He will be removed from the White House and escorted out . Same for his offspring and Jared . Let's hope it doesn't come to this as our country is in dire straights with the pandemic and it's ramifications for our economy and the last thing we need isTrump histrionics . 
2020-11-14 1:26 pm
"Decides"? Under what circumstances? Specifically. 
2020-11-14 1:39 pm
Well nothing. He will still be president 
2020-11-14 1:31 pm
He can use military coup to stay in power and military on his side instead turns against Biden forces and court decisions. 

What can libs and media do then? Absolutely nothing.

I hope that happens. 

And from thereon, Trump will be dressed in military uniform instead of the attire he has now. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:43
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