Should everyone's voting history be made public record?

2020-11-12 10:29 pm
Should anyone be able to look up whether you voted and how you voted in every election to verify you voted in a legal manner?  Will anything short of this put Trump supporters' suspicions of widespread voter fraud to rest? 

回答 (10)

2020-11-13 12:04 am
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Voting is between you and the ballot paper there is nothing to identify how someoe voted, only if they presented to vote on the day or set in a postal vote........ Trump is in power so if the voting system is corrupt/open to fraud then the ONLY person to blame is the person in charge as they have not investigated and set up a secure system of voting.......... Trump is again shooting himself in the foot and again is oblivious to that fact but that is how narrassistics are, they always blame everyone else for their own problems/issues and take credit for anything anyone else does
2020-11-12 10:30 pm
Or, everyone should have the ability to track whether their votes were counted.
2020-11-12 10:47 pm
Ooooo...I love a poll.  Put me down for 'no'.  The voting booth is a secure, secret location and it should stay that way.
2020-11-13 2:35 am
NO, because I don't want to become a target for anyone who hates my party.  
2020-11-13 5:37 am
Careful what you wish for.  With that level of transparency, Trump has four more years...
2020-11-12 11:13 pm
We do not track how anybody voted.  One of the essential features of a democracy is that how you voted is secret.  A secret ballot protects the voter from retaliation by people for how they voted.

We do track whether people voted and, in most states, this is a public record.  The argument against making it a public record is that, at least in some states, the records identifying the voter includes the type of personal information that is used by identity thieves.  But, it is possible to write the laws to allow a redacted record to be released without the identifying information.  

Of course, the problem with redacted records is that there are a lot of John Smiths and Kathy Browns in the U.S.  And some people who want to claim fraud will be able to find a recently deceased John Smith and -- without any evidence supporting their claims -- allege that a dead John Smith voted in a certain county when the John Smith on that county's record is very much alive and breathing.
2020-11-13 5:00 am
Ballots are still secret in the US.  However, most states make your voting record public (this includes your name, address and in which election(s) you've voted).  I don't think this information should be public, as it makes it possible for stalkers to track people down.

Voting records don't have to be public to track voter fraud.
2020-11-14 12:28 am
'No' because I do not want people associating with me without my knowing and, even though I'll never go out of my way to look specifically in a personal manner at what any other person did, I do not want to mentally think of anyone else when considering voting matters. 
2020-11-13 10:40 am
The public has a right to see if you are registered and if you voted, but not who you voted for.  A secret ballot is important to prevent harassment from employers or others.  Seeing who can and did vote prevents fraud. 
2020-11-13 7:00 am
No, but Everyone should be able to see how their Vote has been tallied !!!
That way we would know if they committed Voter Fraud on our vote !

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