Aries guy - what does this mean?

2020-11-12 12:37 pm
So this guy was all over me, trying to be with me all the time last week. We did do the deed. Last Saturday we went out and he was great. We had so much fun and talked how we should do stuff in future. He used to text me every day. On Monday he stayed at my house and he wanted to watch a movie with me. I think he was drunk and fell asleep. That morning got up and as usual gave me a kiss and left to work. After that he has been different. I sent him a text saying thanks for coming over and have a great day. It took him 10 hours to send me one word yesterday. I barely heard from him yesterday. Today my AC broke and I texted him for help. He was super helpful, calling me and calling people on my behalf. Called me around 7:30 to find out what is going on and If I'm good. He then offered if it is hot in my house I should come over. So after saying twice, I said OK. He said oh give me an hour I need to clean up and shower. Half hour later he blew me off saying maybe come tomorrow. I said really. He said his buddy stop by. I know for a fact that no one was there. I'm infuriated. What the heck?? I find this totally inconsiderate.

回答 (2)

2020-11-12 3:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An Aries man is a get-up-and-go kind of zodiac sign who wants his partner to be motivated in everything they do. If he's acting distant around you, think about how you've been spending your time together lately.
Have there been as many late-night adventures and weekend trips? Are you only eating take-out at home or are you trying some new restaurants? If he's starting to act like he's pulling away from you, there's a good chance that he's getting bored.
When you first met, he was drawn to your motivation and energy because it complements his drive and enthusiasm for life. One of the biggest things he's worried about in a relationship is getting bored, so if he is starting to feel bored, he's most likely going to distance himself so that it's easier for him to break it off if he needs to.
To bring him back in, find your motivation again — whether that's in your work, your social life, or together. Aries wants to know that you can have a rich, full life outside of your relationship, as well as in it.
2020-11-12 9:20 pm
We enjoy the long stories, but don’t them seriously. This is the entertainment section. If you were serious you’d be seeing a paid professional astrologer. There are plenty online and must be superior to us.

Everyone here knows nothing. No better than stopping a stranger on the street.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:06:08
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