How do you personally believe odd/paranormal events happen?

2020-11-12 10:15 am

回答 (14)

2020-11-13 1:13 am
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."  --  W. Shakespeare (or was it Sir Francis Bacon?), Hamlet, I.5.   

and "Tom":  Science is never complete.  its merely our best guess we have based upon the little we can glimpse (see, hear, smell, taste, touch) & measure with our feeble instruments. Science is a process.  Its the act of "travel" itself, not a "destination". 
2020-11-13 10:09 am
How do they happen? They don't happen. 
2020-11-12 11:38 am
Of course sometimes odd or very unusual things happen, or things that we are not immediately able to explain, but it has never been reliably shown that real supernatural events can occur at all. 
2020-11-12 10:53 am
Nope.  Not ever.

(Added in  edit)  Misread the question - lost the first word.  My answer is:  Paranormal is an imaginary event.  It does not occur.  Ever.
2020-11-14 10:05 pm
 something "odd" happening is not the same as something "paranormal" happening
2020-11-12 6:38 pm
I  believe personally odd events do happen and some defy explanation but it's usually temporary. In Human History, no odd event, when finally explained, has ever turned out to be paranormal, not once ever. Some examples would be lightning, once identified, it was found to be a natural electrical occurrence. Dinosaur bones thought to be dragons of folklore were prehistoric reptiles, not paranormal monsters.
2020-11-15 8:15 am
Superstition, confirmation bias, coincidence, misinterpretation, hallucination, dreams, hoaxes, fraud.

Edit: EG, the question is ‘What do you *believe*’. I’m perfectly willing to change my mind on the provision of compelling evidence. Which is what skepticism is. Jackass. 
2020-11-12 7:59 pm
Its ALL part of nature----We only see SOME events as "Odd" or "Paranormal" because WE do not understand them yet, and attach "Superstitions" to them---Like "spirits of the dead", "Ghosts", "Demons", etc. behind events we cannot explain.---And, Ironically, often cite such events as "PROOF of such superstitions. --

----As our Science is NOT complete YET, we ARE bound, from time to time to encounter events that we do not understand YET, it is only common sense.---  To be sure, there are a lot of, mere, "Illusions", "Hallucinations" and downright Hoaxes complicating matters,  but there ARE consistent cases where they do not apply.    These likely are the result of yet to be discovered energies of processes we have no idea of, such as time space glitches, etc. we in our ignorance, take for being part of "another reality".  

PARANORMAL is only the NORMAL we do not understand YET.  Of course it EXISTS real events we cant understand always exist.  We do not know everything YET.
2020-11-12 10:44 am
maybe god makes them happen
2020-11-12 7:10 pm
To start with, we do not have adjudicators whose job it is, is to tell us what exists or to prove the existence of anything. Scientists are there at most prolonged paranormal occurrences but it is their job to find out the how's and why's, not to say "yes folks, ghosts exist." Scientists were present at the Enfield hauntings and along with police, they witnessed cabinets move across the floor unaided. So is that not a fact that ghosts exist? The answer is no, as all the scientists proved was, there was no strings. It can NEVER be shown that paranormal supernatural exists as there is nobody to prove the existence other than ourselves. Even then, we will still have the denialist naysayers. We are even less aware of the universe and all that is in it as a woodlouse is aware of how the world works. We are very feeble minded creatures who know sweet FA. The next time you mow your lawn, there are creatures who have been born and lived half their lives yet have never seen your mower. It could be the end of the world in their eyes. As Tom often says, paranormal is just the normal that we haven't discovered yet.
EDIT! Gary, I see only "against" paranormal but nothing "for". Hardly the  behaviour of a sceptic, is it Gary. 

EDIT! "no odd event, when finally explained, has ever turned out to be paranormal, not once ever." NG, is that not the same as saying "nothing is lost once it is found"? The thing is, it WAS lost BEFORE it was found. Do you still not understand the     meaning of the word "Paranormal"? The Yeti remains paranormal, as does Nessie, but will no longer be so AFTER it is identified. How on earth can something still remain paranormal after we have have identified it as a new species or whatever?
Nobody remains nameless after you get to know their name, not once ever? That sounds just as daft as your own comment doesn't it?

EDIT! KennyB, I think you also need to check the meaning of the word "Paranormal", then you will realise what a silly comment you just made. Maybe you could educate Sandra a little also
2020-11-12 10:22 am
maybe god makes them happen
2020-11-20 5:03 am
That's quite simple! Paranormal events don't really happen. 
2020-11-12 10:34 am
Questions about the answerer are not allowed

I don't think ANYBODY has a clue as to HOW they happen
2020-12-11 4:45 am
They warn you before they act violently on you... If you willing to fight back, do make a pray to The God so that you can win over them... Other wise you will lose and your life will be pathetic than before... I used of it... **** up the damn ghosts!

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