Will the electors follow the vote and make the election official ?

2020-11-11 8:25 pm

回答 (4)

2020-11-11 10:40 pm
Well, we don't know the final  number of electors because we are still waiting for the final count in Arizona.  

Here is what we do know.  In each state, there were competing slate of electors -- one nominated by the Democratic Party and one nominated by the Republican Party. Not counting Arizona, we know that 295 Democratic electors have won.

The Constitution says nothing about following the popular vote.  Instead, it delegates to the states the power to choose electors.  This past year, the Supreme Court held that the delegation of power permits states to mandate that electors vote as pledged. Most states have such laws, but the majority of them lack any enforcement provision.

The real check on electors going rogue is the rules governing the nomination of electors.  Those give the political parties control over the slate of nominees for the elector position, and most state parties only nominate people that the party leadership trusts to vote as pledged.  Even in 2016, which was an exceptional election, over 520 of the 538 electors voted as pledged.  So while I could see Biden only getting 290 electoral votes, it is pretty certain that he will get over 270 electoral votes.
2020-11-11 8:37 pm
Yes, they will.  In most states, they are legally obligated to.  
2020-11-11 10:59 pm
Not after the mountain of evidence of massive Democrat voter fraud is presented they won't. They can't legally!
2020-11-11 9:20 pm
It's in the constitution, they have to. It's the will of the voters. Bribery and intimidation of them is a felony.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:09:46
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