Should we accept the election results the same way liberals and democrats accepted the 2016 outcome and treat Biden the same way?

2020-11-10 10:00 pm

回答 (7)

2020-11-10 10:01 pm
Sure.  That means accepting the results and protesting peacefully, wearing pink hats.  I was there at a pink hat protest; I took dozens of photos.
Or do you mean finding evidence of around 100 contacts between the winning campaign and Kremlin agents.  You're welcome to look for evidence too.
2020-11-10 10:10 pm
If that makes your little covefe feel better, sure.
2020-11-10 10:04 pm
Yes, you should.  I voted against Trump in 2016 and yet, despite the known and proven fact that millions of morons were duped by Fox News and foreign disinformation campaigns, I still peacefully accepted the technically legal result.  Then my subsequent "treatment" of Trump was not an effort to overturn an election, but rather to mitigate the damage he was doing to our country and the world.  In kind, if you spot Biden doing damage to our country and the world, you're welcome and encouraged to work to mitigate that.  Just like I did.
2020-11-10 10:04 pm
Biden has not been officially declared the winner yet, even if the media is doing so.

There is obvious cheating going on in this election and real evidence is being gathered for litigation proceedings. This election is not over yet.

May we just possibly see a repeat of the 2000 election. If Donald Trump is reelected, be prepared for Democrats to completely lose their sh*t and for riots to break out.
2020-11-11 2:25 am
philip:   I hope you realize that trump and the republican party CHEATED to put trump into the presidential office for The USA’s 2016 presidential election.  

It’s true.   

Hillary Clinton won the national, popular vote for the 2016 presidential election.  

Meanwhile, trump cheated for the votes for the Electoral College.  The republican party RIGGED the votes for the Electoral College. traitor trump is an ILLEGITIMATE president!!   (I have proof!)     

THAT was why us Democrats didn’t accept the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.   
參考: life
2020-11-10 10:03 pm
Yep. Impeach! Impeach!
2020-11-10 10:02 pm
Turn about is fair play. Maybe we can impeach him and vote against anything he wants to do. Let's keep investigating Hunter and Joe for the next 4 years.
Or do you mean looting and burning down businesses, trying to kill people by setting a building on fire and blocking the entrances, etc etc etc

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