
2020-11-10 7:55 am

回答 (9)

2020-11-10 4:32 pm
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There are two persons who having lunch now.
=There are two persons  having lunch now.=Two persons over there are having lunch now.
2020-11-10 2:20 pm
There are two people there having lunch.
lunch=lunches, no need to be plural in no.
There are=not Two there are;
there are there=superfluous is more than is necessary to describe the situation, not needed/wanted here.過多的,多餘的.
(1)They have lunch over there./Two have lunch over there.
over=prep,=on the far side of somewhere
(2)Two people are having lunch over(prep) there(=on the far side of somethere)
2020-11-10 3:39 pm
Two people are having lunch over there. 那裏有兩個人正在吃午餐。

There are two people having lunch.  有兩個人正在吃午餐。
There are two people having lunch in the restaurant. 在餐室内,有兩個人正在吃午餐。
2020-11-10 8:10 am
Two there are having their lunches.
Two there are enjoying their lunches.
2020-12-13 9:26 pm
There are two people having lunch there.
2020-11-10 5:56 pm
There are two people having lunch there.
參考: Google翻譯
2020-11-20 5:11 pm
Two persons over there are having lunch now.
2020-11-13 10:38 am
There are two people eating lunch over there 
2020-11-11 12:54 pm
There are two people who have their lunch.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:18:26
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