Why can't atheists prove their assertion that God doesn't exist!?

2020-11-09 5:42 am

回答 (9)

2020-11-09 5:43 am
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Because he does, as you know.
2020-11-09 5:48 am
.                                                  .
2020-11-09 5:55 am
We don't worry about it like you guys do. You're afraid of god. you think you're scared he'll send you to hell if you think bad thoughts about him. Atheist don't believe in him, we don't fear him.With so many different religions , we don't even care which version you claim is real. Your god is completely useless to us, we have no need of him. So why should we waste time on you trying to prove god doesn't exist ? you can waste time looking for him, and if you find him, you can keep him.We're not buying what he's selling.
2020-11-09 5:47 am
2020-11-10 5:58 am
Most atheists don't make that assertion, they just reject believers' assertion that a god exists. Because most atheists are agnostic.

Those who would make such a claim can't prove it because some god concepts, like the noninterventionist prime mover of deism, aren't falsifiable.
2020-11-09 6:32 am
Simple.  It's impossible to prove the universal non-existence of anything, let alone a god.  But see the real deal is that we can prove the universal existence of something.  All it takes is one positive result to make such a proof.

Well, theist, we're still waiting.
2020-11-09 6:19 am
Biology disproves the Christian version of God. 

Anything else? 
2020-11-09 6:38 am
Michael Ruse, evolutionist science philosopher admitted, “Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.”
2020-11-09 5:45 am
Thanks professor projector 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:32:19
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