Maths problem: how to fo, thanks?

2020-11-08 4:14 pm

回答 (1)

2020-11-08 5:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In ΔABC as shown, C is a point on BD such that AC is an altitude of ΔABD. E is a point on AD such that BE is the angle bisector of ∠ABD. AC and BE intersect at F. ∠BAD = 74° and ∠ADB = 52°. Find ∠EFC.
∵ AC is an altitude of ΔABD and BE is the angle bisector of ∠ABD
= ∠ACB + ∠DBE ...... ( ext. ∠ of Δ )
= 90° + (180° - 74° - 52°)/2 ...... ( ∠ sum of Δ )
= 117°
AC is an altitude of ΔABD ⇒ AC⊥BD
BE is the angle bisector of ∠ABD ⇒ ∠ABE = ∠DBE

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