Why was there a glitch in Michigan (Antrim County) where votes given to Trump were auto-flipped to being Biden votes? Isn’t that sketch?

2020-11-07 3:40 pm

The machines literally took a red county’s votes for Trump and given them ALL to Biden. And those same machines were used in 47 different cities/towns/locations across Michigan.  And after that happened, how can any reasonable person not call for a full re-voting and re-count? The software “glitching” that badly, is a pretty bad sign and at the very least, anyone honest would admit that another vote should be taken with a corrected system.


Like at this point, how can anyone prove who’s votes were given to who? 


Nothing sketch regarding voter fraud happened in 2016. The only thing Hillary ever complained about was that she won the popular vote yet lost the electoral college... but that’s happened numerous times in our country’s history and our election laws clearly explain the electoral college is what matters. So that’s not even comparable to actual voter fraud or blatant ballot cheating. Why are you being intellectually dishonest and malicious? The anonymous answer is right. You Dems will do anything 

回答 (3)

2020-11-07 3:43 pm
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Evidence is showing lots of "sketch" stuff going on in these key states. No court has ever overturned an election before, and i don't expect this one to. However the democrats stole this election like how their corrupt friends in all those sh*thole nations they love so much do.
2020-11-07 3:45 pm
I wonder how much of this "sketch" cost Hillary Clinton the election in 2016.
2020-11-07 3:45 pm
The craziest and most audacious part is that the mainstream media, who is covering for the Democrats, tries to reassure us that 1) none of this is happening, it’s all hoaxes or wild conspiracy theories even when we see video proof of it happening or documented from state vote tally websites and 2)that if any of it is happening, it’s normal, relax, don’t worry and 3) that even if it did happen and even if it was abnormal and bad, that somehow Trump deserves it bcuz he’s Trump

I honestly think our country is doomed. When 50% of the country wants to win power at all costs, including lying, cheating, violence, intimidation and fraud... it will lead to a civil war or it will lead to them conquering the nation, depending on how hard conservatives actually fight back 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:06:17
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