Will liberals  calm down if  Biden wins?

2020-11-07 11:42 am

回答 (8)

2020-11-07 12:53 pm
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i would hope so
2020-11-07 11:47 am
I think liberals have been too calm.  It's time to get things done to benefit this country.  We've gone backwards for 4 years and there is a lot to correct. 
2020-11-07 11:43 am
No, we have to win this culture war. You are never to be allowed to do this again. Corrupt conservatism can not be allowed to be our creed in the XXIst century. It is a backward ideology that belongs to the XIXnth century and needs to stay there.
Conservative lies will keep being challenged. Your energy will dwindle. Our resolve must not.
2020-11-07 11:45 am
We're breathless with anticipation. Trump only has one chance, and it's a long shot - Steiner.

2020-11-07 11:43 am
We haven't even begun to celebrate yet.
2020-11-19 10:03 am
Maybe you should calm down, asking such an ignorant question!
2020-11-07 11:44 am
Yes, the evil orange man will be out of D.C. and they will have nothing more to have a sh.t fit over. Yavan is insane btw. The Republican party is basically the Democrat party from 20 years ago.
2020-11-07 11:49 am
If he wins we will call you snowflake and that Biden is your president 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:05:40
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