How can democrats explain this one? Trumps vote count WENT DOWN an hour later, in Michigan, according to the official site. Blatant fraud!!?

2020-11-05 2:07 pm

回答 (6)

2020-11-05 2:09 pm
People didn't vote for him. There. I explained it. Did you understand the explanation? He didn't get the votes. 
2020-11-06 5:36 am
I knew youd be a trump supporter with how dumb your answer to my question is
2020-11-05 2:18 pm
It wouldn’t be the only error that was made last night.  I can think of several explanations, including that that graphic is a freak.
2020-11-05 2:40 pm
I agree with L.F.- She’s right, people didn’t vote for Biden. They had to fake the votes because few people actually voted for Biden. 
2020-11-05 2:19 pm
Hahahaha. And you believed that? Poor cult member. 
2020-11-05 2:12 pm

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