Why did God abandon America?

2020-11-05 11:10 am
Four years ago, He was watching over is and gave us a Trump presidency.  This year, He turned His back on us and allowed evil to win by Biden getting enough electoral votes to steal the presidency.  Why does He no longer care about us?

回答 (313)

2020-11-05 11:38 pm
God didn’t abandon America, but he has got to be pissed at over 90% of Evangelicals & supposed Christians supporting the least Christian person ever to enter the Oval Office. 

While you couldn’t blame him if he did seeing so many who profess to be people of faith support a man anything but, instead after 4 LONG years in the wilderness, he thankfully returned honor and integrity. 

2020-11-06 3:30 pm
Surely if Trump has lost it's a sign that God hasn't abandoned America?
2020-11-05 10:37 pm
by giving trump presidency it should be work of satan 
2020-11-05 11:19 am
i dont think he abandoned us
2020-11-06 7:04 am
A deity that doesn't have evidence for existence can't abandon anything, thanks for playing
2020-11-07 5:36 pm
Lol what's crazy is there are Yanks that actually think like this. 
2020-11-06 1:07 pm
He ran out of Excedrin
2020-11-07 5:14 am
Biden hasn't won the election yet. The Pennsylvania GOP has already filed a lawsuit that the counting of late mail-in votes be stopped. As President Trump has warned all along, mail-in voting is fraught with opportunities for abuse, and fraud. There are also thousands of ballots in other states that have been counted, but are "from" people that are long-since dead. We won't know the election results for weeks yet. Besides, who ever wins will mean that we'll get up the next morning, and still put our pants on one leg at a time, and go to work. 
2020-11-08 10:38 am
The tenor of your question suggests extremely little faith in our Nation and even less in God. Elections take place every four years. You need to develop nerves of steel. Elections are the worst thing you have to face. Compare that to the bolder and braver generations who fought the American Revolution and the Civil War. What you have had to face is so much less than that. Also compare it to what people in other countries have to face and endure. Children in Syria get hunted down and bombed by the dictator. You need to take a reality check and stop this irreligious and obscene wailing that God has abandoned us.
2020-11-11 2:14 pm
Because The Kid's Today Don't Go z to CHURCH!!! THEY have RENONCED GOD!!! We Need To Reeducate The Children By Teaching Them About Jesus! Only Then Will God BLESs us with THE DON
參考: help why isn't this sending

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