Are Democrats Wrong About their data.?

2020-11-04 6:33 am
What I'm seeing in these final early vote by state officials numbers either Trump winning or it dead even for example. Their are 3.1 million+ Gop voters compare to 2.1+ Dem voters. In Florida and Nevada it about as even you can get I'm surprised Republican voters, voting high in Democrats stronghold. Plus what the media ain't talking about is the low turn out vote among minority voters in these swing states Biden need to show up in order to win. Anther thing why is close is third party candidate stealing votes away talking 2016 all over again.

回答 (3)

2020-11-04 6:34 am
Go ahead and enjoy this while it lasts.
2020-11-04 6:44 am
Link?  Where are you seeing these numbers?  Exit polls are meaningless when so many people vote early.
2020-11-04 6:34 am
Democrats are wrong about everything. It's why they are universally despised.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:22:37
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