Did kids go trick-or-treating out in public this year or no?

2020-11-03 1:37 pm

回答 (8)

2020-11-04 9:57 am
No, it was too dangerous due to the Coronavirus. 
2020-11-03 2:13 pm
We didn't get any this year. My neighbors only received a couple. They're wasn't much of a turnout this year due to paranoid parents.
2020-11-12 5:01 am
No it was a ghost town this year 
2020-11-04 7:57 am
We got a good handful of trick or treaters.  We live at the end of a circle and never do get a lot of kids
2021-04-15 3:39 am
In my area, some did but the numbers were way down.
2021-02-23 9:19 pm
i went to a haunted attraction
2020-11-09 9:37 am
oh god it was so beautiful. no stupid kids running around the streets. i could drive in peace without thinking i'd run one over because they just don't give a sh*t.
2020-11-27 10:33 am
No it’s Thanksgiving 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:26
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