How often do you turn your man down for sex?

2020-11-02 9:43 pm
My husband and I have a strange thing going on right now.  Were in our early 50s and our sex life is not the best.  We've only had sex like 3 times this year.  For months I was complaining with my husband about not having sex so a week or so ago he made the move and we had sex.  Yes, I enjoyed it multiple times, if you know what I mean.  But he never finished.  Anyway, all day yesterday he was poking and grabbing at my boobs so when we finally got in the bed he turned off the TV early and rolled over to me and and started trying to have sex.  Little to my knowledge he had gotten naked without me knowing it so when he got close I felt him.  I wasn't in the mood so instead of still cuddling with me he rolled over and went to sleep.  If I know my husband, like I know I do, he won't try to touch me for a long time.  Not that his feelings were hurt but I know him.  Ladies, how often do you turn your husband down for sex?

回答 (12)

2020-11-02 10:02 pm
It must be all those prostitutes he's banging behind your back.
2020-11-02 9:54 pm
I know you are asking for women's opinions here, but I just wanted to chime in.  As a man, it very much hurts my feelings when my wife turns me down.  ANd something I want to stress.  It isn't that she isn't in the mood that bothers me.  It is a combination of how rarely she is in the mood, combined with how cold she is to me when I am in the mood, combined with the fact that when she is in the mood she virtually never expresses that (wanting me to initiate things). 

So, that means I have to put forth virtually all effort to initiate things, with a very high probability of being pushed away.  It makes me feel like a dog, begging for affection.
2020-11-02 11:55 pm
I don't get women.  How hard is to lay on your back and spread your legs for five minutes and let you man do his thing?  Stop being so self-centered and selfish.
2020-11-03 2:20 am
You need to value your marriage and stop rejecting your husband, as a man it feels terrible to get rejected by the person you're married to. 
2020-11-03 12:08 am
People in the comments dont understand. If you arent in the mood, you just arent. You did not want to have sex in that moment and that's ok. Doesnt mean you can't try again next time. You should try to have sex with him at least twice a week. When you arent in the mood, you just arent. When my bf isnt in the mood, I understand and when I'm not in the mood and turn him down, he understands as well. 
2020-11-03 2:17 am
You ***** when you don't have sex and you ***** when he wants to have sex bio wonder the guy is confused. Grow up and make up your mind.
2020-11-02 10:11 pm
You complain about the infrequency of your sexual encounters (and those of us who are regulars know that “Patrick” isn’t nearly as sexually attracted to you as he used to be due to the fifty or so pounds you’ve packed on over the years), and yet when he finally gives you the indication that he’s in the mood, you shut him down. Now, I’m not saying that anyone should force themselves to have sex if they don’t want to, but if you choose to reject him on the rare occasions he initiates, then you don’t get to complain about the lack of a sex life.

And for the record, after twenty years of marriage I never turn my husband down when he initiates.
2020-11-02 10:11 pm
literally never. my sex drive is higher than my husbands 
it's weird that you would complain about lack of sex and then turn him down when he tries to have sex with you, especially if you know he was left unsatisfied
2020-11-04 4:36 am
thank God my chick is a sex machine. Never says no and when she gets her period its ******** week! 
2020-11-03 2:39 am
In our 50's? I turned him down sometimes but we were still having sex 4 times a week. Can't fathom 3 times a YEAR being remotely okay. That's just saying you aren't interested. Period. Really. Older couples often TRY many times a month whether they are successful or not because the bonding of feeling and breathing and touching and loving as a couple is  beneficial for mental, emotional and physical health. "Finishing" or not. I'm sorry for the distance you two are experiencing in your marriage. Are you affectionate to him in other ways? 
2020-11-03 3:24 am
No, I don't know what "I enjoyed it multiple times, you know what I mean" means.  Please clarify.

If he is little to your knowledge divorce him and find someone who is bigger.

My husband and I are on the "same page" sexually, so I would say I very seldom say "not now."
2020-11-03 12:49 am
@ Selena,
I don't think you understand.  For months Snowed has been complaining about not getting sex from her husband.  I think she said they did it about a week ago.  It looks like he was wanting to do it again and now she's turning him down.  You can't complain about not getting any then once you get some you now turn it down.  Mark my word, in another month or so she'll be back complaining that he won't touch her.  Yes, you're entitled to just "not be in the mood" but if you've been in a dry spell for months why are you turning down any and all action?

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