is scaring people with a chainsaw legal?

2020-11-02 4:38 pm
My brother and i have been scaring people 5 years with my chainsaw and this year of Halloween we got the cops called on us by a lady. but the cops never showed up! btw we were on our property scaring them and we never get close to them and a lot of people like us and the chainsaw do to its amazing sound! 

is scaring people with a chainsaw on Halloween legal?

回答 (5)

2020-11-03 3:07 am
yes that is absolutely illegal. moron.

can't you just play chainsaw noises on youtube and pretend?
2020-11-02 4:41 pm
Yes that would be illegal, it could be called assault or threats of violence.  If it was done on "Halloween" it is hard to say how easy it would be to get convicted, but if done on any other day he would easily be convicted. 

In a civil court he could be held liable for any damages his prank caused to others. 
2020-11-02 4:40 pm
yes! it cant be legal if it still has the chain.

and thats awesome! 
2021-02-24 3:45 am
yes perfectly legal
2020-11-27 10:34 am
It’s called Halloween as long as you don’t do anything dangerous. People like to tie up police and other fist responders with their dumb **** 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:10:58
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