Air pods not working do phone calls?

2020-11-02 12:04 am
Whenever I’m on the phone I can hear the caller but the other caller cannot hear me. I’ve unpaired and repaired them. I reset my phone and they still won’t work. I have a iPhone XR and my phone hasn’t worked normally since I upgraded to iOS 14. My mom is having a similar issue with her AirPods. She’s also running the latest upgraded version of iOS 14. She has a iPhone 11 Pro. Any thoughts?

回答 (3)

2020-12-17 3:10 pm
Visit this website for help
2020-11-02 2:04 pm
Next time you get a call, turn mute off.  I had a similar problem with a different brand of headphones when I updated to iOS 14 and that fixed it. 
2020-11-02 12:52 am
 sdkaöa slals fsldsaslas slaslsl

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:13:51
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