Doesn't Cuba and Russia have one single political party in control? ?

2020-11-01 4:25 pm
So...a media controlled totally by Democrats, senate, house, judiciary, and presidency? Is that American? Where's the checks and balances with that?.

回答 (4)

2020-11-01 4:28 pm
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I think the Libertarians the third biggest political party In America could take over the Democrats 
2020-11-01 5:03 pm
Trumpiskan has no balance with Moscow mitch Senate and republican supreme court
2020-11-07 12:05 am
Umm yes dictatorships by definition have one single political party or person in control. As such there are no checks and balances to stop a power grab that can never be taken back. Kim Jon Un in North Korea is case in point. This is the reason America is created. This is the reason George Washington didn't accept himself to be King over America. Somewhere along the way one person as king will be bad or become bad and then nobody can do anything to stop it. Hence, the great land of those who serve no dictator. 

so that said why are we still wanting one group of people to take control of everything? More especially why are we wanting one group of people who want to change the Constitution, reduce free speech, take away the 2nd amendment, to take control over everything? It doesn't pass the logic test.
2020-11-01 11:36 pm
Of course that's american. First-past-the-post ensures that either the Republicans or the Democrats call the shots

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