Will Iran give that plane load of money back to us if we elect the Biden family to the White house?

2020-11-01 12:14 pm

回答 (4)

2020-11-01 12:16 pm
Not sure what you refer to but the money released to Iran was their own money under Obama.
2020-11-01 12:16 pm
No, Iran spent that money on their military and funding their terrorist network as Kerry acknowledged at the time.

Here comes the predictable Democrat Apologist to excuse Obama's idiotic decision. Apologist, why didn't Iran return any U.S assets in return? Well, Genius. Why was Obama SO weak that he didn't get anything in return? Like Cuba, where Obama pandered to Castro WHILE protesting Cubans are being beaten by Castro's goons.
2020-11-01 2:40 pm
They already did give it to us -- in the 1970s.  We gave them back their money.  And if they try to give it to us a second time, we should refuse to accept it, because if we accept, then we have to give them the airplanes that they purchased with it, in the 1970s.
2020-11-01 12:19 pm
Not to us...the Biden's on the other hand...???

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:15:02
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