You IGNORE ALL the money Trump himself has been soaking the federal government by visiting Trump properties! Not to mention foreigners visiting his hotels curing his favor!
Even Tucker Carlson had to walk back his crazy attacks on the Biden's, when suddenly the evidence we were told would prove their crimes was "lost".
But I suppose it doesn't matter because people like you don't care if the allegations are true or not, you will repeat them.
No doubt last time Trump was standing for election you were going on about all the crimes Trump accused Hillary of and chanting "lock her up". Well after four years in power Trump's administration has failed to find enough evidence of these crimes for Hillary to even be questioned, let alone charged, tried or convicted of any crime.
So is Trump and his administration too incompetent to find the evidence of these terrible crimes or has there never been any evidence because he lied?
How many lies does someone have to tell you and make you look like a fool, before you see them for what they are?