How can Pennsylvania democrat office holders throw their constituents under the bus for a party leader that wants to ban fracking?

2020-11-01 6:40 am

回答 (10)

2020-11-01 6:41 am
Most of us here in PA are against fracking.  The fracking companies ruin the water, destroy the roads, and pay nothing in taxes and contribute nothing.  We're better off without them.
2020-11-01 6:41 am
the dnc already threw their party under the bus by picking biden in reality
2020-11-01 6:41 am
You've seen and smelled Pennsylvania?
From Johnsonburg to Altoona you hold your nose.
2020-11-01 6:47 am
I've lived in Pennsylvania for 60 years. The only time I felt an earthquake was shortly after they started fracking 20 miles away. Within 10 - 20 years there will be many more jobs in Pennsylvania in the renewable energy industry than the fossil fuel industry, as well as across the US. And Biden doesn't want to ban fracking outright, he wants to gradually phase it out over a period of 20 years or so.
2020-11-01 6:45 am
I know of no party leader that wants to ban fracking.  But I do know a party leader who has bungled a pandemic so bad a couple hundred thousand people died because of that incompetence.
2020-11-01 6:42 am
They're protecting them because fracking destroys the ground water.
2020-11-01 6:44 am
Halting fracking will take several years. By that time, fossil fuel will not be competitive anyway.
2020-11-01 6:45 am
Americans have seen Democrat politicians encourage their own cities to be burned down to the ground for their political games while ordering their police forces to do nothing to stop the destruction. How naive must someone be to think that Democrats care about their constituents that Democrats use as expendable pawns. Democrats are in Flint, Michigan today, the city where Democrats poisoned untold thousands of citizens with lead contaminated water. Thousands of Flint's children will be mentally impaired for life. Do you think that any Democrat loses sleep over that.

Oh BB, just how much more pathetic and snivelling can you get

Oh surprise surprise, a anonymous Democrat thinks that they get to speak for every citizen of Pennsylvania and of course Pennsylvanians would support a ban, sure they do.
2020-11-01 7:19 am
Probably because they know that Biden only wants to ban fracking on federal land and know that Donald Trump and his followers are lying when they say he wants to ban all fracking.
2020-11-01 6:47 am
Apparently the people in PA want to import their natural gas from Russia.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:56
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