Nasty Pelosi once said of Trump. "The seriousness of the accusations alone require an investigation." Should this apply to QuidProJoe also? ?

2020-11-01 5:25 am

回答 (10)

2020-11-01 6:09 am
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Indeed. Of course, Dem hypocrisy will kick in. Trump spits on the sidewalk and they want to execute him. Biden could rape a nun on live TV and they'd let it slide. 
2020-11-01 5:27 am
Yes, absolutely. Joe Biden is a long-time DC swamp criminal & traitor.
2020-11-01 5:28 am
Not really, it is all an obvious political farce to try to cost him votes immediately even if the accusations can't hold up to scrutiny.  Get some actual proof, then try again.
2020-11-01 5:29 am
It should be but the deep state actors in the DOJ have two sets of rules. One for progressives and one for people who disagree with them.
2020-11-01 5:26 am
Of course not. Democrats live by a different set of rules. 
2020-11-01 5:26 am
Not in demented nannies "mind". 
2020-11-01 5:30 am
Yes, but liberals being hypocrites is nothing new.
2020-11-01 5:31 am
Hmmmm.... in one case (trump's) we have people who heard the actual phone call in which he tried to extort the Ukraine government with a weapons for lies offer.

In the other case we have a hard drive of totally unknown provenance and custody, possibly passed to Rudy by a Russian agent, which purports to have "evidence" that Hunter actually tried to arrange a meeting which apparently never took place. 

Nope.  False equivalence if ever there was one.  trump is dirty is SOOOO many ways, and this is actually just a minor one.

Sorry Vlad: fail.
2020-12-30 5:19 am
I see the JoeBiden supporters missed the point Nasty Pelosi was making. "The seriousness of accusation alone requires an investigation." NO EVIDENCE needed.
2020-11-01 5:35 am
You're living in a dream-world.

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