The neighbor kids keep standing in their own front yard yelling trick or treat. Don't kids knock anymore?

2020-10-31 3:07 pm
At first I thought it was some COVID precaution expect expecting people to come to you won't reduce the amount of person to person conact.

回答 (5)

2020-11-01 10:40 am
I don’t know that’s weird maybe go ask them and give them some candy because I doubt they will get much 
2020-10-31 4:47 pm
It's possible that your neighbor kids are developmentally disabled. Kids in my part of the country just go from door to door like they always have.
2020-10-31 3:21 pm
Why don’t you give some candies and shut the hell up !
2020-10-31 3:20 pm
maybe pressures from the virus has sent him a little strange.
chuck a mars bar at him.
2020-10-31 3:13 pm
Beats what the teenage boys who live next door to me keep doing-- hanging out with their friends in their front lawn streaking and playing these games where they try to rip each others shorts or pants off each other until one or two in the morning when they just end up all standing around completely naked. I've talked to their mom, no dad, and get nowhere. I've called the cops, but somehow they know the cops are coming and get inside just before they show up. Super annoying. I'm trying to sleep and a bunch of adolescent boys and whooping it up in the yard next door halfway through the night several nights a week. Maybe if they actually had to get up and go to school in the morning, they wouldn't, but COVID and their homeschooled or online schooled or whatever.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:04
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