Will you be giving out candies tomorrow night on Halloween Night?

2020-10-31 9:38 am

回答 (12)

2020-10-31 5:07 pm
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No, Im high risk. Last year I tried to leave a bucket with candy with a sign to take one...someone must have thought it meant to take one bucket.  Never again, let them go begging at anothers home
2020-10-31 9:50 am
No, the tradition seriously bugs me. Knocks on my door all night long is so annoying. I like to cuddle up with my family and my dogs and watch movies and plays cards, so annoying when that is constantly disrupted by brats I didn't even know, expecting me to give them candy. No thanks, I'll be keeping it for myself and my bloody kids. Trust the yanks to come up with a annoying, stupid idea like banging of peoples doors for candy. What's that got to do with Halloween? 
2020-10-31 4:42 pm
NO when children come BEGGING for Candy i am Not Home
2020-10-31 9:38 am
No I’m over it really 
2020-11-02 3:10 am
We decided to get full sized candy bars this year for Halloween night.  We only have 2 left.
2020-11-01 9:56 am
No, I got a flu last year so can you imagine what I will get this year?
2020-11-01 5:32 am
No because my brother and I never get any trick or treaters in our area.
2020-11-01 1:41 am
Really wanted to but don't wanna put anyone at risk :( still bought a big bag of mixed candy though so I'll probably throw it in a pillow case for myself and call it a night haha
2020-10-31 3:08 pm
I'm in a different timezone than you so it's already Halloween night here and yes I will. 
2020-10-31 10:52 am
i dont think so, they dont come to apt buildings
2020-10-31 10:28 am
Yep. We have a trunk and treat in one of the local churches parking lots.
2020-10-31 9:43 am
No. If someone knocks on the door I’ll give them some candy but I’m not expecting any trick or treaters. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:05:42
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