
2020-10-30 5:57 pm

回答 (2)

2020-10-31 12:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
普通的可數名詞在「單數形」時,可泛指同類的任何一個,所以需要加上determiner(定詞)來約束。使用「不定冠詞」a/an時,表示同類當中的任何一個(即any one)均適用,使用「定冠詞」the時,意思等同that one(那一個)。即範圍受限。

2020-10-30 10:51 pm
If you take nouns after word "this", don't you dare have to add an article to the noun before "this" to avoid overlapping.
"this" is an adj, pronoun;
"This" and a possessive cannot be used together to avoid over-lapping.Sometimes the construction used when "this" and a possessive are both needed in usage.
What's all "this"?
What is the trouble?
What is happening?
"This" car of yours needs=your car;
These new dresses and shoes of mine=my dresses.
"this" adj, pron are used when the person or thing is near in space or time to the writer
Look at "this" box.
Are these(plural in no.)books yours?
Are these your children
These are better than those
Life in covid19 is difficult these days.----plural
What are these?
"This" one is larger than that----singular
She will be here "this" Monday.----singular
Is "this" what you want----singular

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 12:58:21
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