I’m 17, am I too old to trick or treat ?

2020-10-29 12:57 am

Gino: I’m not pretty sooo no one gives me the time of day 

回答 (11)

2020-10-29 1:04 am
Come knock on my door and I'll give you a treat.
2020-10-29 4:26 am
Yes- but that doesn't mean you can't trick or treat. I'm 16 and am planning on trick or treating this year. Last year I got a fair amount of harassment from my neighbours for trick or treating as a teenager. However, all you need is a mask that covers your whole face. If your build is more adult-like, wear a baggy costume like a grim reaper cloak. Height can be an issue, but there are a lot of 12 and 13 year olds who are already fully grown. I'm planning on wearing a rubber dinosaur mask that covers my whole head and a large jacket, as it will be cold. Enjoy trick or treating while you can still get away with it. 
2020-10-30 1:53 am
I think it's really just for children but we don't do that custom in my country. People really do find it so rude. Knocking on strangers doors expecting treats for nothing is pretty bad. Especially when the kids are over 10. Some do try it, but then never try it again. Halloween is celebrated in a totally different way here, it's more organic and less commercial. Why don't you take treats to other people. That's what we do. We get dressed up and go to old people's homes, children's hospital and give them bags of sweets and biscuits. Then we go to our community center have a bonfire, drinks, food and songs. People put on scary plays and performances. It goes on until like 5 am. At least it's giving to those in need and not taking.
2020-10-29 5:35 am
No,you are not too old. 
I am 10 years older than you and still go,with my flatmates,who are exactly my age, and two children i often babysit (they both have turned 7 recently).
We always have a lot of fun. 
I would personally much prefer a 17 year old trick or treating than a 17 year old getting drunk, or a 17 year old girl getting pregnant at a party. 
Go trick or treating and enjoy it.
You do not harm anybody.
If you feel embarassed, then take a child with you.
But do not stop going if you like it.
2020-10-29 1:38 am
Way too old!  Under 10s, maybe, but not this year.
No-one should be so stupid as to go from door to door, spreading germs and possibly COVID-19.  
2020-11-01 6:33 pm
Tip. Just wear something to where even if they would notice your not just a younger teen. Most people don’t care you see teens and stuff trick or treating all the time. If you have younger kids to take with you it could help but 17 is still young. 
2020-10-31 3:10 pm
Depends on how good your costume is.
2020-10-31 9:52 am
No go trick or treat if you want. You are only young once. Besides who doesn’t like candy?! Lol 
2020-10-29 3:02 am
Yes! People would call the police if they found you at your house! Many places outlaw trick or treating after age 12, and at 17, you can drive, get a job, and buy your own candy!
2020-10-29 2:03 am
Yes.  Even 14 is pushing it, but, quite a few kids do it until then.
2021-02-23 9:53 pm
i went trick or treating at age 18

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