If joe biden president will you be making enough money to buy an electric car? Ready to stand in line/ charge it for 2 hours every day? ?

2020-10-28 8:52 pm
Joe Biden said he's getting rid of gasoline. You better know what you're voting for.

回答 (5)

2020-10-28 9:05 pm
You're being disingenuous in your claim.  The goal is to reduce carbon emissions that are jeopardizing our environment, the air we breathe.  It won't happen overnight.  It will take decades. You'd rather do nothing.  You don't seem to understand the importance of protecting our environment. Sad. 
2020-10-28 9:03 pm
The world is moving on from gasoline in just the same way it moved on from steam. Where would the USA be today if it had insisted on retaining horses and steam engines?  Change will not happen overnight or even in 10 years. The USA cannot afford to become an industrial fossil so needs to learn how to embrace and exploit the emerging technologies and energy sources.
I agree electric cars are currently impractical outside of local commuting and shopping runs. The challenge is to work out how to improve on that or how to find viable alternatives, such as hydrogen powered vehicles whose fuel can be derived from oil or the electrolysis of water. Meanwhile, hybrid vehicles can do everything a regular car can do.
Any leader who failed to remind us of the march of progress would not be serving the people of the USA. Those who think we can remain anchored in the past are encouraging our obsolescence and loss of competitiveness in world markets.
2020-10-28 9:19 pm
You use a charging station when your car is low on power, and then just top it off in 20 minutes or so. Otherwise, you charge the car at home overnight. You don't ever have to go to a gas station. It's very convenient.
2020-10-28 9:11 pm
I drive a plug-in hybrid, and I charge it in my garage every evening.  What is this "line" you speak of?
P.S. 85% of my driving is pure electric.  I have used about 33 gallons to go over 5800 miles - the gas engine only starts when the battery is drained.
2020-10-28 9:06 pm
Electric cars are the future no matter who wins, Trump's head is economically still back in the mid 20th century

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:18
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