
2020-10-28 7:51 pm

回答 (2)

2020-10-29 6:25 pm
What is the word nature of the adverb? Example: up, down, in, and  out.
up--adv particle:-contrasted with down eg:-He is already up, out of bed, up early.
down---adv part:-eg:-The flag was hauled down at sunset;
The sun went down.
down---prep:-eg:-her hair was hanging down her back;
To run down a hill.
Tainan is farther down the south.
She has gone downtown, walking down the street.
The tears ran down her face.
in----adv part (contrasted with out)eg:-come in; give in; be in--eg:-won't be in until noon.eg:-The harvest is safely in.Fruits are in .When will the fish be in? Long skirts are in again in fashion.
out---adv part eg:-The manager is out.
the low tide is out.
The Socialist party is out and out of office.Short skirts are out in fashion,not fashionable.
2020-10-28 8:36 pm

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