Nintendo Switch console drop?

2020-10-27 10:38 pm
My nintendo switch console drops from about 2-3 meters except some scratches is there any problem appears after drop like resolution drops or controller be without so good connectivity. Or any other problem? 

回答 (3)

2020-10-28 12:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dropping the Switch will not affect it's resolution. 
If your controller connects now, there's no reason why it wouldn't in the future.
If it turns on, you can play a game without problems, and you also don't hear anything rattling around inside, you'll probably be fine.
The Switch actually handles drops pretty well:
2020-10-28 1:00 am
Is possible to not working properly to appear less resolution or connection between keypad to be more delayed? 
2020-10-27 11:13 pm
if it's working it's working, if it ain't it ain't, simples, but i wouldn't advise letting that happen again if it is...well i would, but the truth is i hate nintendo and all their arcade junk software, count yourself lucky if it all seems ok, that's quite a drop, for a delicate piece of tech....magic eye?, how's that

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:24:28
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