Is he ghosting me now?

2020-10-26 12:54 pm
We’ve been texting for weeks now, literally Wall of texts, we texted daily once, but we shared a lot of stuff in only one message, they were really long texts. Finally he asked me out and I just had a really super first date this friday. I felt like we clicked, we were also on the same level intellectually and sexual tention was also there. He was reflecting already for our next date and we talked about “what if” kind of stuff, like what if we end up together. We barely even recognized that we spent 4,5 hours talking in a Cafe. Afterwards he texted me the day after, he said he had a really great time and that we should meet again this week. Also he sent me a list of the moovies I asked from him during the date. Then I replied 2 hours later, since then I just haven’t heard from him. Did he change his mind about me and ghosted? We used to leave 1-2 day BREAKS earlier too, but now I feel weird that I told him I had a good time too and would love to meet again and then no answer for days. 

回答 (2)

2020-10-26 3:38 pm
It seems that you had a good first date. 4.5 hours of TALKING is great. Now, not being mean, he may not like to text, would rather speak to you. If it were me, you would have to call, not text. Since I refuse to text. Does he go to school? Work? Both? Have family commitments? There can be a number of reasons he has not responded to you. It seems odd, since you had a good first date. Maybe you should try to call him instead of a text. I hope you both get a chance to develop this. If things went so well, I do not see any reason for him to ghost you...Call, just to say hello, do not go over board.   Good luck to you both
2020-10-26 1:17 pm
If he completely ignores you even if it’s important then yes and why do you care to be with someone like this anyways. On the other hand don’t be obnoxious and be respectful like don’t text him at say 2:00 in the morning, don’t be spamming and blowing his phone up every minute of everyday, and things like this. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:05:36
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