Are the majority of new COVID-19 infected people asymptomatic?

2020-10-25 3:19 pm
It is from Japan. I don't know the true situation overseas, US  right now. Is the inspection of COVID-19
vorantary? or Or is it a compulsory test?

 And what are the most common symptoms of newly infected people?

I  add a question. Will american peoples who test positive have been on standby in house,  or somewhere quarantined?,  What are PCR test positive ,you all  doing daily?

回答 (6)

2020-10-25 6:56 pm
COVID-19 tests are voluntary in the US. The answers to your other questions are unknown.
2020-10-25 3:20 pm
How in the world would anyone know the answer to that?  If it's asymptomatic there are no symptoms which means you feel as healthy as not having it.
2020-10-25 9:01 pm
Most infected people are asymptomatic or have only mild symptoms. This has been known for over half a year.

the tests are voluntary, as there aren't enough of them to test everybody anyway.

Common symptoms are coughing, sneezing, sometimes fever... and sometimes loss of sense of smell/taste
2020-10-26 1:38 am
The majority of ALL Covid-19 cases, like the majority are all respiratory virus cases, are asymptomatic. To date, there have been ZERO confirmed cases of spread from an asymptomatic person. Such cases may actually happen, but none have ever been confirmed to have spread in such a manner.
Note: Not having any evidence of exposure to someone that was symptomatic is not evidence of asymptomatic spread.
2020-10-26 11:57 pm
The minority die, but they are still dead. And dead is dead. If you catch it and die, you`ll be dead as hell, and there is nothing you can do about it. You`ll be dead a lot longer than you`re alive. So go ahead and catch it. Maybe you can die from it, too!
2020-10-26 4:18 am
Probably not the majority, but a lot, maybe 40%.

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