Why are people so against eating healthy?

2020-10-24 4:38 am

TJ I was raised on many of those bad foods too. But when a person gets older/ becomes an adult they're supposed to evolve and broaden their sophistication

回答 (2)

2020-10-24 6:51 pm
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Because they do not know how to eat and season a healthy meal, they were raised on bad foods. Too much saturated fats, sugars, salt. Is killing all of us. That is why I cook from scratch and never eat out or do take out. I have no salt in my house for 15 years now, only healthy cooking oil, limited sugar intake. But I do use a variety of spices, to make up for the taste of the bad ingredients prepared foods have in them. Yes, its a pain to do, but my health is worth it.
2020-10-24 5:04 am
Cause most healthy good tastes awful!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:02:54
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