Does anyone know where I can find these books?

2020-10-23 2:07 am
-Atlas of the Developing Rat Brain by George Paxinos
-A Stereotaxic Atlas of the Developing Rat Brain by Nancy M. Sherwood

The problem is that I cannot get these books for numerous reasons. The first is although I was able to find them on Amazon on Abebooks, they do NOT deliver to my country, and even if I am able to find a shipping method, it is far too expensive and it requires over 100$ payment, which is of course unacceptable.

It doesn't stop there. Even if they were able to deliver it to my country, I STILL cannot purchase them because of the economic crisis that my country is currently undergoing. Our corrupt government stole all of our dollars and put them in the Swiss bank, which caused an economic collapse and the dollar value skyrocketed. For this reason, the banks decided to put a maximum of 10-15$ limit PER MONTH on what we can buy, and even that is for Netflix service. 

Yet another problem is that I am actually looking for a SOFT copy of these books, not hard copies. Either PDF or EPUB. Even if I can just read it online is fine. I checked Internet Archive for it, but unfortunately I couldn't find any of these two books. The key term in these books is "DEVELOPING". I already have the Atlas of neonatal rat brains and Stereotaxic Atlas of the rat brain but not the DEVELOPING rat brain. It's the atlas of the brain of rats when they are growing up.

Mind you, these books are very old. Red one is from 1970! PLEASE let me know if you are able to find these two books.

Guys, if I can just read it online, like in Internet Archive where you can borrow a book for free and read it (for only a limited time), it's COMPLETELY fine. I just need ANY form of soft copy, even if it is not in my possession. Thank you :)


@MsBittner Well, I did read other books for free by loaning them, and it was completely legal. It is also a site found online. Take this link for instance. It is placed in public for people to READ ONLY. Of course, you'll need to pay to download it. (At least I think it's how it works). That said, this is for the sake of education, and I'm not even stealing!! I'm merely asking for a borrow or a copy. Stealing is stealing, but copying ISN'T!


You can read pretty much any book there if you have an account. There is even a special and LEGAL software for it known as Adobe Digital Editions! I assure you that this IS legal! 


<Sigh> I guess the only way is to contact the author and ask them if they can send a copy my way... a digital copy that is, if they are still alive that is. (It is a 50 year old book). 


@Elaine M Dear, I already did that. I didn't leave a single site unchecked... at least ones that I know of. I tried checking the name of the publisher, and they have some books that are available... but this one is completely elusive. I can't find a single digital copy anywhere! Oh, and this is just for the second book. The first book is even more elusive, and I only found one link on Amazon, and it's even currently unavailable, not that they would deliver to my country in the first place. 


@tham153 I did consider that actually, but it's the University of California. I live in the Middle-East, so I highly doubt they would send anything my way XD. Do you know how to contact them, by the way? Here is the link for that book, by the way (it's not the same cover, but I know the book from the description): Look at when it was published :P


I'll wait a few more days. If I don't get any updates, I'll just choose a best answer. Thanks for all your efforts nonetheless :)

回答 (3)

2020-10-23 10:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Have you tried contacting the publisher?  There is a remote chance they may have a copy available, or know where one is available.  Otherwise perhaps contact the types of libraries that would have a copy.
2020-10-23 3:12 am
I understand that your difficulties in getting these books are not your fault, but that does not make it okay to steal digital copies. They are both protected by copyright and should not be available online for free reading, no matter where the reader lives or what trouble they have getting a hard copy or legal digital copy.
2020-10-23 10:59 pm
Widen your internet search words.

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