Do people actually like Nirvana or are they just pretending?

2020-10-22 3:31 pm
I just don't see how anyone can like straight up whining 

回答 (11)

2020-10-22 3:34 pm
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They are certainly over-rated and over played, and a lot of their songs sound the same. They arent terrible though
2020-10-22 3:41 pm
I really like it.. I even learned to play one of their songs on guitar. You don't have to like it.
2020-10-25 8:26 am
They have a lot of fans who like them.
2020-10-22 7:28 pm
Not a Trump supporter either , then?
2020-10-22 5:49 pm
I love Nirvana. Have all their music. Kurts' death was a tragedy.
I do like some Nirvana songs. Most kids now a days think Nirvana is a brand not a band.
2020-10-22 4:06 pm
when is it going to dawn on some people, that is matters not what other people say or think.
2020-10-22 3:55 pm
Yes....nevermind then.
2020-10-22 3:37 pm
If they're under 30, are usually just pretending.
2020-10-22 3:34 pm
I like a few of their songs but they're not my favorite band.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:22:13
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