how recently did the last hominid go extinct?

2020-10-22 12:18 pm
there are many species of hominid, but only one is still extant. anatomically modern humans, homo sapien. how long ago did the last other hominid go extinct, and what was it? 

回答 (9)

2020-10-23 8:43 am
The Red Deer Cave people are a prehistoric archaic human population. Fossils dated to the Bølling-Allerød warming, between about 14,500 to c. 11,500 years ago, were found in Red Deer Cave, Yunnan Province, in Southwest China.
The fossils exhibit a mix of archaic and modern features and are tentatively thought to represent a late survival of an archaic human species, or of a hybrid population of Denisovan hominin and modern human descent, or alternatively just "robust early modern humans, probably with affinities to modern Melanesians".
2020-10-22 12:23 pm
H. floresiensis is my guess. Lived up until maybe 15k yrs ago. Perhaps even closer to modern times.
2020-10-23 1:52 am
Neanderthals - 30,000 years ago.
Denisovans were still around 80,000 years ago.
Homo erectus was still around until 140,000 years ago.

edit: I forgot about the hobbits! Yeah, they were still around until 12,000 years ago. Not sure how distantly related they are to Homo sapiens. There's a dispute if they were miniaturized Homo erectus or australopithecines.
2021-01-17 3:40 am
Jesus created the world in March, incarnated in March, born on Dec 25 old calendar (January 7th by the calendar that you use today), resurrected on April 1st; forgive me.

Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father only. Holy Spirit is fully divine. Jesus is being born of the Father before time officially existed. Jesus is fully divine. The Most Holy Trinity created the world in March. Jesus incarnated in March. Jesus is fully divine and fully human (but without the original sin of Adam and Eve which was eating of the forbidden fruit). Forbidden fruit was for angels to turn into human form; to go back to angel form, angels went through fire; that's why demons are afraid of fire because it will expose them. Theotokos Virgin Mary didn't have personal sins (by the grace of the LORD but she had the original sin). Her parents needed to repent of sins; once they did, they conceived her. She delivered Jesus to the side. The gates remained shut = prophecy from Old Testament. Joseph and Mary lived as brother and sister (no intimacy). Joseph's children from previous marriage are called Christ's siblings in Bible but Joseph never touched Mary in an intimate way; forgive me.

Blood/body of Jesus kills parasites. Orthodox Christian three hand signs are different than Buddhist mudras. Ecumenism = 263 heresies; each heresy leads to hell. Orthodoxy = the only true faith; Roman Catholics tried one cup - one spoon ritual and got sick with Bubonic plague; if heresy enters Orthodox monastery then monks/nuns will get sick with flu/tuberculosis (for instance); Orthodox churches who closed for COVID or had disposable cups/spoons or dipped spoon into alcohol are no longer brides of Christ (now they serve Satan and honor Satan's new COVID religion). Patriarch Irenaios 1st blessed Catacomb movement more than five years ago; what you need is antimins (remains of saints sewn into a towel), wax candles, one cup and one spoon.Don’t go into UFO to be “healed” by evil demons; demons never do good. SSN is written as a barcode/QRcode; then it's put into a chip; chip is put into vaccine; chipped people are influenced (by super computers) to receive grey plastic card World Passport with no name on it (but when they stretch their hands to get it, gov't clerk presses secret button to administer the unforgivable green 666 tattoo by isotope rays). If you reject mark of the beast then your direct ancestors go to heaven (according to saint Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov from Ural); forgive me.
參考: mRNA vaccine by Moderna contains *Luciferin* dissolved with *66.6* ml of distilled *phosphate* buffer solution... ...mark of the beast...that's what it is... all vaccines are chipped; all vaccines have cells of aborted fetuses in them
2020-11-15 12:18 am
Gray Bold answered it, our last cousins died in the Quaternary extinction, most modern humans also died out in that extinction event as did a lot of animals around the globe. Truly sad, we missed such fascinating species by just a few thousand years. 
2020-11-08 12:30 pm
 Probably around & during the last global ice age zxjqfkvw
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2020-10-25 1:24 pm

Most mammals have light skin that is covered by fur, and biologists believe that EARLY HUMAN ANCESTORS started out this way also. Dark skin probably evolved after humans lost their body fur, because the naked skin was vulnerable to the strong UV radiation. We all came from pale skinned Africans. Lucy had pale skin under her body hair. So did H.Erectus, Denisovans and Neanderthals. We all came from pale skinned Africans.💪🏻
Oswald Hope Robertson was white (English) and invented the blood bank which has saved literally over a billion human lives. Penicillin (which has saved from 80 million to 200 million human lives was discovered by white Scottish man Alexander Fleming.💪🏻
Mongols killed 40 million people. Mao Zedong killed 70 million Josef Stalin (an ethnic Georgian i.e. non-white) killed 40 million. Half of the Native American genocide was committed by Southern Europeans.An Lushan Rebellion 36 million. Taiping Rebellion 20-30 million Black plague (originated from east Asia) killed 25 million. Yellow Turban Rebellion 7 million
 Fried chicken is Scottish. Waffles are Belgian. Peanut butter was invented by the Incas. Potato chips were invented by a white Englishman named William Kitchiner. BBQ is taíno food. BBQ sauce was invented by English, French and German Americans. Gumbo is cajun. Cornbread is Native American. Chicken fried chicken is Austrian. Pancakes are Greek.White people invented synthesizer, electric guitar, electric bass guitar,saxophone and computer (which is used to make hip hop beats/music). Blues has Celtic influences. Jazz has classical influences and uses pianos (Italian instrument) and saxophone (Belgian instrument). The German electronic band Kraftwerk influenced house,techno and hip hop. All "black genres" use instruments invented by non-blacks. The blues was first sung in the English language. Same with all the other popular "black genres". Even tap dancing originated from England. Scottish people invented flyting which is basically rap battle music that predates hip hop culture. Basketball and football were invented by white people (James Naismith and Walter Camp). Nike was created by a White American (Phil Knight). Adidas was created by an actual Nazi (Adolf Dassler). Tacos didn't have ground beef, chicken, cheese, sour cream or soft tortillas until Europeans showed up. It was just fish in a hard taco shell. 💪🏻.
2020-10-22 8:50 pm
They would have been assimilated into homo sapien.
2020-10-22 8:22 pm
Neanderthals were still around when modern humans entered Europe about 40,000 years ago. The latest Neanderthal remains were found in caves in Gibraltar. Estimates of when Neanderthals became extinct vary. The Gibraltar Neanderthals were dated to about 25,000 years ago traditionally, but a new scientific paper published recently claims that they died out much earlier, 40,000 years ago. I think the newly published date needs to be confirmed by further testing, because it is based on a "new radiocarbon dating technique."  New techniques are not time tested and may not be reliable. There is definitely evidence that modern humans coexisted with Neanderthals because a Neanderthal fossil was found with a fatal wound made by a thrown spear and Neanderthals do not throw spears. They instead use heavy wooden sticks to stab animals at close range.  Recent experiments show that the Neanderthals' spears can only be thrown a distance of 65 feet by world class javelin throwers. These athletes OTOH can throw a lighter javelin almost 300ft. That is a huge difference. That means modern humans could have killed Neanderthals from a football field away, but Neanderthals would not be able to fight back from the same distance.  It seems to be fashionable for some scientists to claim that Neanderthals were a lot more like us than previously theorized and that they did not become extinct because they were inferior to us but that they died out because of other reasons (such as climate) than competition with modern humans.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:03:31
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