實配的英文 導線實配不良要怎麼翻譯?

2020-10-19 1:59 pm

回答 (2)

2020-10-19 3:55 pm
guideway---shows the way on a journey, a place, or visit that direct , influence  or conduct :-eg:-In Queen Mary Hospital the walk-path  is  mis-guide for walking patients inside!
The conducting guideway are ill- matched.for good service.(eg:- for the walking patients inside the hospital)
2020-10-19 10:13 pm
實配 就是實物配給的意思.英語的翻譯就是distribution
導線實配就是 實配操作時候地上畫出的線條.英語是distribution guidelines.

導線實配不良 就是 實配操作時候地上畫出的線條不正確.
英語是distribution misguidelines.

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