Do you have bodyguards?

2020-10-17 1:43 am

回答 (12)

2020-10-17 10:05 am
Funnily enough, no I don’t. 
2020-10-17 2:38 am
Oh yeah am gonna tell for all to see 🙈😜 anyway I am not inclined to give personal details on here. 🤷‍♀️
2020-10-17 1:49 am
I don't need them.  I never travel to the USA.
2020-10-19 8:10 am
No, I don't have bodyguards.
2020-10-18 1:44 pm
Funnily enough, no I don’t.
2020-10-17 8:33 am
I don't have any bodyguards hun.
2020-10-17 2:09 am
Only when in the car and at work but not when I’m chilling out at home 
2020-10-17 1:56 am
nope!!! i don't need them
2020-10-17 1:50 am
Yes, they're called my fists and feet.
2020-10-17 1:48 am
Nothing worth guarding.
Thanks for asking.

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