Can a deployment end early or be canceled at the last minute? ?

2020-10-14 9:12 pm
Has there ever been any deployments that were canceled at the last minute? 

Also have there ever been times where mid deployment you get told your unit is going home early?

回答 (5)

2020-10-15 1:25 am
yes and yes-- anything can happen, they can also double your deployment time a week before your deployment is scheduled to end.
2020-10-14 10:11 pm
Of course.
My 6-month deployment to Iraq ended early because Obama pulled us out.  I only found out a couple of days before I left when I would be headed home.  One of the people I went to pre-deployment training with never deployed because the FOB she was going to closed.  
If Trump sticks with what he's saying about getting everyone out of Afghanistan by the end of the year, a lot of deployments will be ending early.  
2020-10-14 11:09 pm
It happens.  It’s not routine but it happens.

Having them extend is more likely to happen
2020-10-15 5:47 pm
Sure.  We even had a name for ones that ended early; and "early out."  I was sent out in the middle of a 6 month deployment once so that I could go on a course.
2020-10-15 5:47 am
Yes to both questions.                           

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