Trump is leaning heavily and continuously on his podium. Is he well?

2020-10-13 8:00 am

回答 (6)

2020-10-13 8:03 am
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No.  He is very overweight.  Obese actually.  And recovering from Covid which is similar to flue.  Except more deadly.
2020-10-13 8:03 am
Would you be well if you had an @$$ the size of a Volkswagen?
2020-10-13 8:02 am
He doesn't have the STAMINA to be president.
2020-10-13 8:02 am
I'm not sure Trump even had the virus, but I'm certain he is definitely not a well man.
2020-10-13 8:04 am
Sounds like the beginning of a political fantasy for you. Are you seeking confirmation, or confrontation? Here's the kicker, I don't care because I don't like the man. But I do like his politics. Trump is a problem, but Biden has been part of the problem going on 50 years.
2020-10-13 8:02 am
Looks ok to me.

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