A lot of volts and zero amperes ?

2020-10-13 1:19 am
Hello there I created a panel with a lot of volts like 500-600 volts but near zero amperes how i can rise do something for amperes thank you in advance with polymetre is like 200maperes those are the second? 

What I am saying my panel has 500-600 volts and 200 m Amperes how I can fix that? Any clue? 

回答 (13)

2020-10-13 1:38 am
Your translation is not very good but you need to learn about Watts. Voltage X Amperage = Watts

Who are you trying to kill?
2020-10-13 10:11 am
Use This:
2020-10-14 7:10 pm
Nino: What in the world are you...
1) Trying to ask?
2) Trying to fix?
3) Trying to accomplish?
Nobody knows what you're working on or where you are going with this. If you're not just a blabbering troll, try doing this. Sit down and think about what to ask, explain what you're doing and what you hope to accomplish by doing it. Also explain how you are testing whatever it is that you have? A polymetre..? Are you installing an amp or something?
2020-10-13 12:29 pm
Like most dreamers, you don't fantasize a whole story. 

You made a panel that produces 500 volts at .2 amps? 

And what voltage and current do you desire?
2020-10-13 12:32 pm
Polymetre ???
Two signals???
What voltage did you really want???
2020-10-13 2:00 am
Voltage is a potential, like the pressure in a water pipe. Amps represent the volume of flow of electrons in a circuit. You will see no current (amps) unless there is a load of some kind completing the circuit to make the electrons flow, regardless of what the voltage is. 
2020-10-13 9:22 am
Sounds like you wired them in series which means their voltages all add up to a large voltage.  If you want to fix it you wire them in parallel, then they are at the voltage of the panels but all their amperages add up.  Personally I think you should get an expert to do it all for you as obviously you have no idea of what you are doing.
2020-10-13 2:37 am
Wire your cells in parallel, not series or a combination of each This will give you more current and less voltage.
2020-10-13 8:01 am
lol you wired the solar panel the wrong way. you have to completely re-wire it. sounds like you basically wired everything in series. you only wire in series until you are at about 18 volts or so (which then goes to a 12v charge controller if you'll be charging 12v batteries). once you've already hit your targeted voltage, then you wire in parallel to increase amperage. each cell has a voltage rating. like lets say each cell is rated for 3 volts, you'd wire 6 of them in series to get to 18 volts, and then wire the rest of them in parallel. next time just buy a panel off ebay or aliexpress or something.
2020-10-15 4:06 pm
What is the rating of your panels?
 Have you checked individual panel outputs. 
What output are you wanting to achieve?
2020-10-15 2:55 am
Weird, just simply weird.
2020-10-13 4:46 am
Understand electricity first.
Voltage is like a mountain lake(holding lots of water) It provides the PUSH
The stream coming from the lake is the current(measured in Amps) 

You get a current flow when your device PULLS electricity.  Then it draws from the lake.  A lightbulb uses very little current so it is a small stream of water.    An electric space heater uses Lots of current so it is a River of current...coming from that lake.  You are charged for the current you use.

Can't make a simpler visulization.  Try YOU TUBE for an animation.
2020-10-13 2:54 am
There is some plan any map how to build the amperes

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