What did he mean by this?

2020-10-11 10:21 pm
My former friend/crush from years ago sent me a friend request on Facebook. I accepted and sent him message basically saying hello, and that I hope he's doing well despite the insanity of 2020. He said it was nice to hear from me, and that "things are a little topsy turvy, but it's just been working out, mind, body, and spirit lately."

He then proceeded to say, "be nice to maybe go out sometime if you're comfortable, be good to hear what you're up to."

I told him when I'm usually free, and he replied that he was working some stuff out so if not this weekend, next weekend. He used lots of exclamation points too so I got the vibe he was really excited.

Am I reading too much into things, or is there something there?

回答 (1)

2020-10-12 12:30 am
How odd.... there was someone on here last night asking a VERY similar question from the male perspective..... strange! He put a lot of emphasis on the punctuation marks too....... hmmmm

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