Elasticity of demand?

2020-10-11 1:57 pm
Suppose, Atlantic air travel in business class has an estimated elasticity of demand of 0.40 while Atlantic air travel in economy class, with an estimated price elasticity of 1.62. And the price elasticity of supply is 1.5 at market equilibrium. As a result of an increase on fuel tax on the seller, the new equilibrium price rises by 20%. (a) What is the percentage change in quantity demanded of air travel in both classes? Show your calculations.

回答 (1)

2020-10-11 5:01 pm
Persentage change=0.3 in both cases;
For Buz:-0.53-0.4/0.4=0.3
For Econ:-2.106-1.62/1.62=0.3
New equib=1.8-1.5=0.3

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 11:45:22
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