When liberals  got a Blasey Ford to lie to ruin a good man's reputation just to keep him off the supreme court is that compassion?

2020-10-11 10:23 am

回答 (7)

2020-10-11 10:24 am
I thought she only testified against Brett Kavanaugh?
2020-10-11 1:26 pm
Democrats didn't get Ford to lie.  Whether it's true or not, she didn't make up her story for the benefit of, or at the behest of, Democrats.  She's been making those claims for a long time. 

From what we know it seems unlikely that she lied.  There's not a ton of evidence one way or the other but corroborating evidence does seem to back up her story, and in ways that it would be impossible or unlikely for her to be able to fake.  For instance, Republicans made a lot out of the fact that Ford could not remember the exact date that the party happened, or whose house it was at.  But she did say that she thought it happened in early June and gave a list of several people who she thought were at the party.  Kavanaugh himself produced a calendar which he kept at the time which showed that he attended a party on June 1st IIRC and listed three of the people who Ford said were at the party where she was attacked as being at this party.  That calendar was not made public until after she made her allegations and there's no way that Ford remembered who was at a party or when it was forty years ago unless something significant happened to make her remember it.  The other piece of evidence is about the other guy who Ford says was in the room.  She says that about a month and a half after the attack she ran into him working at a supermarket.  Well, in one of this guy's memoirs he has a line where he mentions that he had a job at a supermarket that summer until he left for football camp.  That would put him at precisely the point that Ford says she saw him at he supermarket.  Again, that's not a detail she's likely to remember about some random guy from another school.  Nor is it likely that she mined his diary to look for an obscure confirmatory detail to add some verisimilitude to her story. 

Ford is a lot more credible on this issue than Kavanaugh.  According to her there were three people in the room.  But the other guy allegedly there has written a number of memoirs talking about how he was a blackout drunk in high school.  So it wouldn't be surprising if he doesn't remember.  Kavanaugh denies that this attack happened but a) he has enormous incentive to lie.  He was looking at appointment to the Supreme Court, the highest honor in his field and b) he very well could have been blackout drunk as well.  It's possible that his rage at these accusations wasn't just the elitist rage of an entitled man possibly being denied what he feels is owed him.  He might genuinely not remember this assault.  Kavanaugh has denied that he resembled the person who Christine Blasey Ford described but this seems dubious at best.  The evidence we have seems to show that he was a boozehound.  There's lots of talk in his writings at the time of drinking and drinking to excess.  In a letter, teenage Kavanaugh described himself and his friends as "loud obnoxious drunks".  He even makes a cameo appearance in his friend's memoir, thinly disguised as "Bart O'Kavanaugh", where he's described as arriving at a party so drunk that he threw up in someone's car.  Kavanaugh claims to have only drank in moderation and never to have drunk underage.  But his calendar at the time contains a number of references to drinking at a time when he would have been underage.  In fact, given it's timing, the party where this likely happened seems to have been held to commemorate the end of legal 18 year old drinking in Virginia.  Kavanaugh's writings at the time, including his yearbook page, are also replete with sexist comments of the kind which would have been pretty common back then but which also undermine his claims that he "always treated women with respect".  In short, he comes off as precisely the kind of horny frat boy type who might, after becoming blackout drunk, try to "jokingly" force himself on a woman.  Kavanaugh's protestations of innocence are also undermined by other falsehoods he made in his confirmation hearings, both the federal bench and the Supreme Court.  For example, when he was confirmed to the federal bench, Kavanaugh lied and told investigators that he didn't know anything about how the Bush administration, for whom he then worked, had obtained a private document laying out the Democrats strategy to stop Bush's court appointments.  Emails which were later released showed that Kavanaugh knew at the time that the documents had been stolen by a staffer and illegally leaked to the Republicans.  In the same hearings, Kavanaugh lied when he said he wasn't aware that a judge he had clerked for was engaging in sexually explicit comments with people.  Subsequently it was revealed that the judge would routinely send group emails to all his interns which contained graphic sexual commentary.  In specific relation to the Ford case, Kavanaugh claimed not to have known her and also said that his school and her school did not interact much.  But it was discovered during the hearing that Ford had dated one of Kavanaugh's best friends in high school, making it exceedingly unlikely that he didn't know her (multiple people have also testified that Kavanaugh's school and Ford's school were all part of the same prep school social circle in the area). 

All in all, the argument that Ford is lying seems incredibly weak, and the notion that Democrats invented this is just false.
2020-10-11 12:19 pm
Hey, it’s your fantasy.
2020-10-11 10:32 am
How did Yahoo Answers get filled with sick trolls? Blasey Ford didn't lie and everyone nominated and appointed by Trump starts with an assumption of rotten until proven OK. 
2020-10-11 10:27 am
Blasey Ford part of  communist nazi DeepState and Hillary Biden Obama burning looting Gay Frogs George Soros, Jewish bankers Hunter Biden Ukraine Pedophile Joe Biden, Kenyan Obama, Alcoholic Pelosi, Ukraine Virus Hoax Communist Deep State Crooked Hillary brain damage Hussein Bongo Fake Birth certificates secret muslim black thugs Illuminati BLM Fake News Benghazi Emails ANTIFA Obama-Gate Pizza-Gate Voter fraud
2020-10-11 10:26 am
There's no evidence that she lied.  A proper investigation was never conducted.
2020-10-11 10:35 am
That was a tragedy, there wasn't anything compassionate about it.  They will do anything to get their way, for them, lying and cheating is par for the course - a means to an end.

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