US - Who will you vote for and why?

2020-10-09 2:22 pm
Republican, Democrat or Undecided. 
Let me know who you're going to vote for, or have voted for and why you're voting for that party.

I'm looking for more policies that you support or are against rather than your personal quips with the leadership of each political party. 

回答 (4)

2020-10-09 6:14 pm
Trump.... he ended our dependence on foreign oil, now we make our own oil, which is why gas is 2 dollars per gallon. If democrats get in then gas will go right back to 6 dollars a gallon because they will close down all the drilling and fracking with BS environmental regulations. Not to mention drilling and fracking creates thousands of jobs. Also Biden gets rich off sending our factories to China, hes been doing it for decades. Trump is working on bringing them back. Democrats also profit off the endless wars, Trump destroyed ISIS easily, and finally brought peace to the middle east, and is nominated for THREE nobel peace prizes.  Also, low taxes!
2020-10-09 2:29 pm
Trump.  I want low taxes, a booming stock market, a closed and protected border, conservatives on the bench, and I like that he puts America first!  I am against killing babies in the womb.  I am against the anarchy that you see in democrat cities.  I am for the second amendment and freedom of speech.  I am against gay marriage and pushing that agenda.
2020-10-10 9:56 am
Democrat because I support immigration and oppose indoor rallies
2020-10-09 8:09 pm
Trump. Anyone pro-abortion can not be a Christian.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:05:32
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