Is it ok to jiggle a manager’s belly at work?

2020-10-08 11:41 pm
An hourly manager has an oversized stomach. Should I go ahead and jiggle it or should I ask first?

回答 (6)

2020-10-09 12:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Get him to lie on his back with his arms and feet in the air, first.
2020-10-09 9:56 am
i wouldnt do that,you could get in trouble for it
2020-10-09 2:17 am
No, Mrs. Claus doesn't like it when you touch her hubby.
2020-10-09 1:24 am
You should wait.  When you grow up, your metabolism will kick in.  And once that happens you will grow your own belly you can jiggle.
2020-10-10 11:52 pm
Why don't you try it?  Don't be surprised if your manager gives you a full body "wiggle."
2020-10-09 2:40 pm
Do it, I double dog dare ya!

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