Was i dismissed correctly from my job?

2020-10-07 7:59 am
I started my job as an Accenture apprenticeship. I have been doing many different roles with them. It was supposed to last 6 months but its been nine and at the end they offer or decline a permanent role. Well I recently was told by my manager that due to the progress of my latest role they denied the offer and my last day was the 30th. He said I should be hearing from HR that day but nobody has contacted me since and its now the 6th. I'm cool with the termination but is this how the process works I thought you get a two months notice and HR still has said nothing. And I am still working that same role and the people there didn't know I would be terminated. I even have the companies pc. Shouldn't HR let me know whats going on?

回答 (3)

2020-10-07 1:02 pm
It was a temporary position and they extended your stay and you were told when your last day would be.  That's how it works.  Perfectly fine.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Employment law experience.
2020-10-07 11:48 pm
UK: Legally they need to give you one weeks notice as you have worked there under 1 year, unless your contract states different ( it can't legally state less)

Some employers are better than others and with an HR department the employer is in the large employer range and 'should' be better prepared and working on the same page...doesn't seem they are............... and maybe because of covid and the financial benefits they get as well as the apprenticeship financial benefits is likely why they have left things and kept you longer however they still need to give 1 weeks notice....as you are still working and 'no one' seems to realise, sounds like their internal communications and written records leave a lot to be desired......and with the financial benefits now on offer that also might be the reason you didn't get taken on as the Government are now offering more financial help to employers to take on a new apprentice, so it is likely to be a purely financial company decision rather than you 'passing' or not
2020-10-07 8:01 am
It's very obvious that you should be contacting HR, if they haven't contacted you by now then they probably won't.  You've slipped through the system, it happens, but be a bit proactive.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:07:18
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