Mask Deniers, Trump goes on photo op, with COVID, and puts his secret service members at risk. Is a mask going to protect them from COVID?

2020-10-06 1:06 am
So Trump, staging another photo op, ordered his secret service members to drive him around in a completely hermetically sealed vehicle and only have a mask to protect them from the contagious president. They now have to go into 14 day quarantine. They may get sick. They may die. All for a photo-op. Are those N95 masks going to protect them from getting sick? I've heard so much rallying by you Trumplicans about how masks don't really protect you, and neither do N95 masks with particles getting through. So was it a good idea putting his own service members lives at risk, OR are those masks enough to protect them?

"That should never have happened," one current Secret Service agent on POTUS detail said after Trump's drive-by, saying those gents who went for the ride would now be have to quarantine. "I mean, I wouldn't want to be around them," the agent said, expressing a view that multiple people at the Secret Service also voiced in the wake of Sunday's appearance. "The frustration with how we're treated when it comes to decisions on this illness goes back before this though. We're not disposable."

回答 (5)

2020-10-06 1:56 am
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It was dumb of Trump to go on his little photo op.

What do you think about all the hospital workers, I'm not talking about the doctors with face shields and filtered masks, I'm taking about the employees that empty the trash, sweep the floor, feed the food. 
-- they wear regular medical face masks when entering covid rooms = and they aren't getting sick.  Our county 550+ bed hospital has not had a single covid transmission from patient to worker since mid-April when employees began using their own home made masks. This include RNs directly treating covid patients for 12 hours a day.
-- these people don't quarantine for 14 days every time they leave work.  Thus, it's another new covid transmission rule a) covid doesn't transmit at home depot but it's transmittable when teachers sit in an student less classroom.  b) covid doesn't transmit by medical staff while wearing N95 masks, but it does transmit if you are the President to secret service  all wearing N95 masks. 

Note: my personal doctor thinks the doctors lounge in the hospital is the most dangerous place on this planet.  Doctors treating covid patients, sitting around inside chit chatting while NOT wearing masks. 

No, I wouldn't have wanted to be on Trump detail yesterday.  But Trump had an N95 mask and so did the secret service.  The chance of transmission is very low.

But then... we don't even know who was picked to escort Trump.  Maybe the individuals were selected because they have covid antibodies or maybe they are one of the 60,000 so American's who have had covid vaccines during testing.

When it was announced on Thursday and the world was saying that give Trump  hydroxychloroquine.  I said as long as he takes it with dexamethasone and remdesivir.  Guess what? these are the drugs that Trump is being treated with.

Here is my advice to you: 
find out the doctors in your area that are saying that Trump must be seriously ill if he is taking these drugs.  Once you find out who they are, if you or your family, needs covid treatment = DO NOT, as in DO NOT go to these doctors.  They do not keep current with covid treatment.
- In clinic trials, dexamethasone has had a 100% (as in 100%) success rate in reducing the average covid illness from 8 days to 4 days when started immediately after symptoms appeared.  Not a single person in the clinic trials had significant covid progression.  Dexamethasone is cheap!!! it's available to any of us.
- remdesivir we all aren't going to get, because it's expensive and requires you to be in-patient.  Dr. Fauci's department (not some little medical school) did a research study on remdesivir that included an active treatment group and a placebo group (people not getting the drug).  Remdesivir was so successful, that they cancelled the study to be able to provide the drug to all individuals in the study. The study involved only people with exhibited illness but the illness ranged from very minor to very serious. 
2020-10-06 1:13 am
Do you also worry about meteors falling out of the sky and killing you?  That happens several times a year, you know.  You're talking about the same Secret Service Officers that are trained to shield the President with their own body in the event of a shooter.  Did you know that about 95% of Secret Service Officers are former military officers?  They are in excellent physical condition, hard core patriots, and relatively young in age.  They have about as much chance of dying from Covid-19 as a meteor falling out of the sky and killing them.
2020-10-15 3:47 am
you posted in the wrong category
2020-10-06 5:57 pm
PANIC !!!  WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE !!! ... Maybe they had a choiuce. Maybe they think it is their patriotic duty.  Not everyone exposed to COVID gets sick. Only 2% that get sick die.  I say maybe you just do not want to see President Trump succeed.  N95 masks do a good job of keeping out germs. {Doctors wear them.} The flimsy masks civilians wear (often improperly, and then take off outside) are not that good. Secondly, if a person does not have COVID it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to transmit germs !! <- which is in response to "mask deniers."   {{ I find your "question" a very bad slam against Trump. }}
2020-10-06 3:12 am
A Secret Service agent assigned to the Presidential security detail will step in front of a bullet intended for the president. It's a dangerous and high-risk job, and they know that when the take the assignment.

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